Bare copper conductor, single-wire
Core insulation of PE (2Y)
Core identification of quads marked with black rings
4 cores twisted to a star quad
5 star quads stranded to sub units,
each 5 or 10 sub units stranded to main
units and the sub or main units stranded to cable core
Core wrapping with several plastic tapes
Outer sheath, as laminated sheath (L)2Y,
PE-coated aluminium tape spliced with PE (2Y) sheath
Sheath colour: black
Sheath marking continuously with telephone-receiver, meter marking in white colour
Temperature range
flexible -20°C to +50°C
fixed installation to +70°C
Loop resistance at 20°C
0,6 mm = max. 130 Ohm/km
0,8 mm = max. 73,2 Ohm/km
Operating peak voltage max. 225 V
(not for heavy current installation purposes)
Test voltage
core/core U eff. 500 V
core/screen U eff. 2000 V
Insulation resistance: min. 5 GOhm x km
Line attenuation
of side circuits at 800 Hz
0,6 mm = 1,04 dB/km
0,8 mm = 0,78 dB/km
Impedance of side circuites at 800 Hz
0,6 mm = 720 Ohm
0,8 mm = 520 Ohm
Minimum bending radius: 10x cable Ø
Radiation resistance: up to 80x106 cJ/kg