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THHN  90℃ 600V PVC+Nylon Single Core Cable

THHN 90℃ 600V PVC+Nylon Single Core Cable

THHN wire is a heat-resistant high heat-resistant wire. It also uses NEC-specified machine tool wire and THHN wire (also known as THWN-2) is rated at 600 volts and 90°C. According to TEWN, it can be used in wet or dry locations. 

  • Product details
Product introduction
  • 01 Product application

    THHN wire is a heat-resistant high heat-resistant wire. It also uses NEC-specified machine tool wire and THHN wire (also known as THWN-2) is rated at 600 volts and 90°C. According to TEWN, it can be used in wet or dry locations.

  • 02 Product characteristics

    Excellent sunlight, gas, heat, and oil resistance

  • 03 Technical certificationRoHS Compliant
    Comply with UL83 standard
Product structure

Conductors: The single conductors are solid or stranded annealed, coated or bare copper.

Conductor type: UL83 compliant with ASTM B3, B8 and B33 or NMX-J-008-ANCE requirements

Insulation: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulation over which a nylon (polyamide) jacket is applied.

Rated voltage: 600V

Test voltage: 14AWG-2AWG: 2.0KV;1AWG-4/0AWG:2.5kV;250kcmil-500kcmi:3.0kV;

Conductor resistance:UL1581 ASTM class C

Min. bending radius fixed:7.5x d

Min. bending radius moved:15x d

Operat. temp. fixed min/max: -40°C/90°C

Flame retardant grade self-extinguishing and flame retardant conforms to UL1581 VW-1; CSA C22.2 No.2556-15 FT1, FT2; IEC 60332-1-2 standard

Approvals: UL

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